Strengthen Your Bond: 77 Days to a Christ-Centered Marriage

Your default relational state
is what you've been trained in.

Join us for 77-days of focused training in Christlikeness in our marriages.

Read here for more information

We will have daily meditations and daily coach's corners.

Here is one sample of a meditation. I share this with our community to know what this can be like. Imagine receiving this type of meditation, in the community, on the app, and on a daily basis.

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The Power of Challenges - Stories of Transformation

Here is what some people have had to say about the 77-day challenge this past Spring of 2023.

My wife and I are connecting more often. My wife is better able to handle moments of emotional dysregulation which has helped me feel less anxious. I've been turning to God more often.”
- Spring 2023

This has been so powerful and transformative for our marriage. We feel more connected, more patient, and understanding of the other.” - A.B. Spring 2023

I would definitely recommend this program. One of the best things about the program is the community. Going through difficulties in your marriage can be lonely. Through the program you will be connecting with other couples through the app, sharing your daily wins and encouraging each other.” - Spring 2023

"It enabled me to pay attention to what I truly want to pay attention to: co-creating peace!"

"Seeing people do ‘high five’ and/or comment on my ‘failed experiences’ with compassion gave me the courage to get back up!"

Register Today for 77 days of Life Transforming Connection

Join us for a Transformative 77 Day Training * for Life Transforming Connections

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More Information here


  • Aug 28 (Monday)
  • 8 Zoom Sessions to support the core training
  • Meditations (5/week)
  • Coach's Corners (5/week)

Some of the engaging features of the Challenge are:

● Daily inspirations

● A positive and supportive online community - this is more powerful than you can imagine. Once you experience it you'll know how powerful this can be.

● Ways to put these lessons into practice and create new habits

● Fun and prizes

● All this is done on an app you download or online

And, the best part is you can do all of this in about 10-20 minutes a day and get the full transformative benefits of this Challenge.

Here are some places we share information:

Presence + Practice Instagram

Presence + Practice Facebook

You are loved!
You are a person of peace because you are attached to Christ.

With great love and wisdom,

John + Sungshim Loppnow

“You must arrange your days so that you are experiencing deep contentment, joy, and confidence in your everyday life with God.”

— Dallas Willard


THERAPY / COACHING (Immanuel Approach)

Presence and Practice

Read more from Presence and Practice

PRESS here to listen to the newest podcast As I write this I think of you and pray for you. My prayer is that you find a rhythm of life in community that includes practices that are tailored for your spiritual and relational growth. So that the outcome is that you naturally love God and love those in your emotional field (meaning, those you naturally like and those you don't). Mark Scandrette Mark has written six books on practical spiritual formation that seek to apply spiritual wisdom to...

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Sungshim + John share latest learnings on relationships Join Sungshim and John on Wednesday, May 29 @ 9:00 am.If you want to join us, register here Sharing an update to our Training while on a hike 11 weeks to 16 weeks for more comprehensive integration and learning. Everyone is intentionally invited and welcomed. Last time it was only for couples. Now, it is for individuals, singles, couples, and...