
Presence and Practice

Join us for a Free 1 time training on Wed (June 29) + John Ortberg book (free)

Published about 1 month ago • 1 min read

Sungshim + John share latest learnings on relationships

Join Sungshim and John on Wednesday, May 29 @ 9:00 am.
If you want to join us, register here

Sharing an update to our Training while on a hike

  • 11 weeks to 16 weeks for more comprehensive integration and learning.
  • Everyone is intentionally invited and welcomed. Last time it was only for couples. Now, it is for individuals, singles, couples, and I'll even welcome puppies. (seeing who is paying attention).
  • We start on Monday, June 3.
  • More info here

Free Book - Insurmountable
by Dr. John Ortberg

FREE BOOK - Insurmountable

John Ortberg was one of my pastors growing up in Chicago. He has been teaching (online) about the sermon on the mount. This was the core message of Jesus. John Ortberg does a great job with this new free book. I wanted to share it with you in case you didn't know about it.

Insurmountable Book is Here!

Whether you know it or not, you have access to the greatest, most impactful talk in the history of mankind. In The Sermon on the Mount, Jesus delivered a breathtaking guide for how to be a good person in the eyes of our heavenly Father. It was the most influential teaching in the human race, and nothing else is even close.

The Sermon on the Mount has impacted ethical conversations, influenced renowned leaders and thinkers, and has served as a marker for followers of Jesus for centuries. And it’s what we get to study together in this book.

In “Insurmountable,”John Ortberg masterfully weaves together theology, story, and practical application to help readers understand Jesus’ teachings in a fresh and relatable way. When you read this book, you’ll walk away with a deeper understanding of Jesus’ instructions and new ideas for how to put them into action. Not to mention, your faith will grow all the while.

Listen to the Audiobook

Prefer listening? Download the files or listen on podcast.

Listen via Podcast Download the Audio Files

Watch and listen on YouTube

Listen to the full book on YouTube with animated text, narrated by John Ortberg. YouTube

I encourage you to check out John's ministry here.

I will end with a favorite quote.

"Our aim under love is not to be loving to this or that person, or in this or that kind of situation, but to be a person possessed by love as an overall character of life."

—Dallas Willard, 'Life Without Lack'

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