Listen to an Amazing Conversation with Mark Scandrette (so fun!)

As I write this I think of you and pray for you.

My prayer is that you find a rhythm of life in community that includes practices that are tailored for your spiritual and relational growth. So that the outcome is that you naturally love God and love those in your emotional field (meaning, those you naturally like and those you don't).

Mark Scandrette

Mark has written six books on practical spiritual formation that seek to apply spiritual wisdom to everyday life. Before each book is published he usually spends several years piloting the concepts and processes explored with groups in multiple contexts. He is currently working on a book about transformation and how to design a “personal growth experiment.”

Here is a fun way to get to know what matters to Mark. (3 min)

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Here is a screenshot of our conversation on Zoom which I turned into a podcast so it is easier to listen to.


We explore Immanuel journaling as a transformative tool for deeper engagement with God and discuss how personal and communal spiritual growth can intertwine. Mark also highlights the role of family in shaping spiritual formation, drawing from his experience in fostering intentional family cultures. Our conversation invites listeners to cultivate authentic relationships with God and one another through intentional practice and community.


0:14 Introduction to Presence in Practice Podcast

6:47 Transformative Learning Through Community

15:33 Engaging Practices for Spiritual Growth

22:51 Exploring Immanuel Journaling

43:37 The Journey Towards Deeper Connection

48:44 Family Culture and Spiritual Formation

You can find out about Mark

Here is an example of a meditation in our training. It is from Phil 4:8.

video preview

I will end with a favorite quote.

Presence and Practice

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